Latin moment

In World History Mr. Silva said a word and asked if anyone knew what it was. I knew what it was because of my latin learnings. Mr. Silva was very impressed.

En-Latin- Me

I haven't had many experiences with Latin in my life. The best one I can think of is my dad's favorite movie, Gladiator. In my expirence, everyone has a song, movie, book that they can't put on pause (Mine is "Wake me up before you go-go" by Wham!) Every time my dad sees that Gladiator is on T.V he will drop everything so he can watch it. I can't remember the phrase they say in it (Something along the lines of "To those who are about to die we salute you" but in Latin) but, my dad has seen it so many times he knows it (He took Spanish for 4 years).


This blog will host our bi-weekly ruminations on the continued influence of the Latin language and Roman culture on our everyday lives and experiences. At least once every other week, students will be asked to write a brief reflection (~1-2 paragraphs) about a way that Latin or Roman culture happened to them outside of the classroom. Did you hear a new English word that has a Latin root? Did you notice the columns or atrium of public building? Did you see a commercial, tv show, or movie that referenced mythology or Roman history? This blog will serve as a repository of all things Classics that exist in the modern world and will demonstrate the extensive range of ways that Roman culture continues. Pictures, videos, and external links are encouraged!!!