Latin Everyday

I was cleaning out my room, and I found a stack of my brothers old books that we read in high school. He is now in college, so I thought I would look around and see if I was reading any of the same books he was reading. As I was going through there were about 10 books all about mythology, ancient rome, and the greek gods. I was then looking through them all and found this mythology book about all of the gods, and I became very interested in it. I ended up reading the whole book that night and learned so much about the gods that I had not known about before. I also learned about brand new gods I have never heard about before, but they were very important in this book. I consider this my latin moment because I was just going though my room and found so much stuff relating to latin, and I didn't even know it was in my bedroom. Finding all of these books made me read further and become more interested in things I didn't know much about. :)

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