A Piece of Rome in New York City

As the holiday season is now starting to become a thing of the past, I still like to think about the trip that I took with my family over the holiday break to New York City. While in New York, along with seeing all the sights, I also saw many things that related to Roman culture! On my visit to historic Colombia's campus, I saw many things in and around their library that caught my eye as a Latin student.

This was on the front steps of Colombia's library (it was actually their old library. Now they only use it for graduations). It is slightly hard to read in the picture, but it says, "Over skilled watching, A reminder through the years". I thought that was really sweet because inside the library they have the faces of past classes' valedictorians,  so like those who are now 'skilled' watch the future as a reminder of what can be achieved and where they started. Very touching. 
Then when we got inside the library we were greeted by these statues. Immediately I recognized that the white statue was Minerva, which makes complete sense because she is the goddess of wisdom and you come to the library to become wise, a very nice touch. Minerva was in the center of a semicircle of others statues, one of them being Jupiter, who I took a picture with. 
All and all it was very interesting to the effects Roman culture has everywhere. What was even more fun was the feeling I got when spotting each little piece of Rome. I would point it out and tell my parents, it was almost like a scavenger hunt with my brother, who could find the next Roman thing the fastest! Anyways, I had a great trip and the Roman tidbits were fun finds that made it even more enjoyable. 

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