ancient roman law facts I found

So I was scrolling on my Instagram a couple of weeks ago and I had found a post that had listed a bunch of ancient roman law facts. As I read it, I found it to be more and more absurd and weird.
Here are the laws that was listed:

  • If you call someone to witness and they refused to show up, you are legally entitled to stand outside their house and scream, but only every third day.
  • You can sell your on into slavery once or twice, but after the third time he doesn't have to put up with it anymore.
  • No wailing allowed at funerals
  • Also you can only have one funeral per person
  • If your neighbor's tree has a branch hanging into your yard, you can cut down the whole tree if you want.
  • But, if some of the neighbor's fruit from the tree falls into your yard, he can legally come into your yard and get it.
  • If you call someone to witness and they're too sick or old to get to court themselves, you have to provide a cart for them to come in, but it doesn't have to be, like, a nice cart if you don't want to.
  • The penalty for writing a song slandering someone (it's very specific on the song bit) is getting clubbed to death.
  • If you hurt someone (or if you just sort of inconvenience them) through magic arts, the penalty for that is also death.
  • However if you maim someone's limb through a normal limb-maiming process you just sort of have to figure things out between yourselves.
  • If there is a road right next to your property, feel free to build a fence around it to prevent people from driving into it, but if you don't build your own fence well then that's on you.
Credits: @pundoom

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