Platform Shoes and Latin

Recently I went to an art museum, and they had an exhibit on Fashion as Art Throughout the Ages. I did not expect to find something that had to do with latin, since the exhibit was a.) about fashion and b.)it was a modern art museum. I, however, came across this part of the exhibit! It's hard to read, but I learned that the first platform shoes were made in Rome and were used at the baths to protect people's feet from the sometimes dirty and unsafe floor. I found this very ironic, because whenever I wear platform shoes I always feel like I am going to twist my ankle; platform shoes are hard to wear! Anyway, I really liked learning about this and seeing this, because now whenever I wear platform shoes I'll think of latin, which are two things I never thought would go together. It's cool to see that latin can be applied outside of the classroom, not only in the language and the religion aspect -pretty stuff stuff if you ask me- but even in footwear and fashion!

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