Et Cetera

In the current book I am reading, (Eleanor Oliphant Is Completely Fine) Eleanor, the main character and narrator is obsessed with classics. Throughout the book, there have been a couple instances of Latin and Roman culture. The main phrase that stood out to me was when she jokes "'Nails etcetera - to what extras did the Latin term refer?"  I remembered that the true latin phrase, "Et cetera" translates as "and other similar things" or in simpler terms, extras. I found the whole instance funny because the main character, Eleanor, is completely out of the loop from normal things. She had an abusive childhood, so she never got to experience things like going to get your nails, but she did go to school and loved it. Eleanor is trying new things throughout the book, but even still she remains true to who she is, a bit of a nerd. So, instead of seeing a nails salon, she sees latin.  I think this instance is an appropriate use of Latin.

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