Ludus Magnus

Finn Collins

Ludus Magnus or Great School, established during the Domitian reign (no exact date was found). The Ludus Magnus was the elite gladiator school of Rome and everyone from slaves to commoners would enroll to become the best of the best. (Bill Thayer) This structure could be seen as one of the influences behind modern day sports stadiums. The field is surrounded by chambers and corridors. The Ludus Magnus had a Marble base so we can only assume marble was used throughout this structure. The school was 60 by 90 meters and was close to the Coliseum. (Bill Thayer) This building was associated with gladiators and was seen as the best school for becoming a Gladiator. If the Gladiator was a prisoner or a slave they would be kept in small cells inside the school while the other Gladiators lived in barracks. (Donald G Kyle) The School consisted of a building that probably included classrooms, common rooms and sleeping quarters with a courtyard in the middle. In the courtyard, there was a small gladiator battlefield where the students would practice dueling.

Sport and Spectacle in the ancient world

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