Nothing Comes From Nothing

The saying "ex nihilo nihil fit" meaning nothing comes from nothing. This saying can be traced back to Parmenides, who was a six or early fifth-century presocratic Greek philosopher. It is also associated with ancient Greek cosmology, and can even tie back to Homer and Hesiod. The concept of nothing comes from nothing is seem within physics in the way things work and motions. I think this proverb means that if nothing is put in, nothing is going to be given out. if you expect something to come out of nothing, it will never happen because you never put anything in, to begin with. For example, in sports, if you want to get better, you have to put work in and actually practice. If you sit back and hope that you will get better and not put the work it, you will never get better. I think this phrase is useful and should be used because it is a good proverb to live by because it gives the straight forward answer for a work ethic.

“Nothing Comes from Nothing.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 22 Sept. 2019,

Natasha Silverlieb 

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