![Image result for movie theater](https://o.aolcdn.com/images/dims?quality=100&image_uri=https%3A%2F%2Fo.aolcdn.com%2Fimages%2Fdims%3Fcrop%3D2800%252C1680%252C0%252C0%26quality%3D85%26format%3Djpg%26resize%3D1600%252C960%26image_uri%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fo.aolcdn.com%252Fhss%252Fstorage%252Fmidas%252Fec099838a88c189b8e19a4bb6e884708%252F205944339%252Ftheater-hall-with-red-seat-and-wide-blank-white-screen-picture-id665294144%26client%3Da1acac3e1b3290917d92%26signature%3Dde8e1e9cc228854ed73f16bfaca4863d2cfbc0e6&client=amp-blogside-v2&signature=d285cc2b3b8ae56de249c72e18a71a097a95df04)
A specific example of roman culture being used in modern times is the practice of theater. Romans would take time out of their week to go and see a play at the theater similar to the way that we today go to see movies on the weekends. Theater in the roman world was an important place that people went to have fun and watch plays with their friends. This is very similar to our modern version of this today where we go out to see movies with our friends. Our use of this ancient roman culture is an appropriate use of the culture because it gives a modern twist to an ancient tradition.
-Miles Cuban
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