Latin Everyday #Whatever this is

Though I have already written about this previously, I have new knowledge of Caesar's Legion in Fallout New Vegas, as I have played more and more. My previous post was not too descriptive, but I now know more about the Legion and can better link them to the Roman Empire. Caesar's Legion began as a single tribe somewhere in the central Untied States, just as Rome did in Italy, but tribe by tribe they conquered the wasteland, using the men for soldiers and women for slaves. The Legion is lead by one single man, Caesar, who has a council of his top countrymen to aid him on his decisions, but he is very well educated, which is hard to come by in the Mojave. Just as the Legion is parallel with the Roman Empire in their history, the way they act is as well. Everyone is proud to be a Legionare, they all praise Caesar to end dialogue, if you're not in the Legion they address you as scum, and if you are they address you as Ave. There are many connection to Latin here, even those whom Caesar wants to use are given a necklace called the Mark of Caesar. Along with what I've described, the Legion also uses strictly melee weapons like swords.

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