How Latin Has Helped in my Everyday Life- Natasha Silverlieb

1. World Olympics
The first Olympics were held in Greece in 776 BC, starting with the Pentathlon, running events, wrestling, boxing and more. We learned all about the different events and when they were done during the World Olympics in the gym after legacy this week. Since I knew this information it was cool to be able to see the different events that have been added over the years.
2. Marine Corps
I was watching a TV show called Shooter with my dad a few weeks ago and it showed the marine corp's logo and their motto (Semper Fidelis), which in English translates to "always faithful. I was able to break down the word and figure out what it meant in Latin. It was interesting to see how Latin plays a role in American society and even American lead organizations.
3. Social Media
I was scrolling through TikTok like I do every night, and it is this new trend to read funny quotes, tweets, etc. and one account read a tweet by someone and it read " I am fairly certain that YOLO is Carpe Diem for stupid people." this was interesting because I knew from Latin that Carpe Diem meant, seize the day and I knew that YOLO meant, you only live once. It was interesting to see that I wasn't the only one that understood the joke because Latin has a spread in some of the quotes that it has.
4. Natatorium
I was talking with the weight lifting coach about how Parish should build a swimming pool so we don't always have to go to Greenhill and borrow theirs. It got me thinking because that sounds like it would be a Latin word and sure enough, after enough thinking, I remembered that natare meant to swim and I then linked that to natatorium which is where someone swims.
5. Penicillin
I had surgery 2 weeks ago and I was prescribed a high dose of penicillin for the pain that I was going to have and that is rooted back to the Latin word of penicillus which means paintbrush and it also connected to the way the mold looks that is used when the medication is poured up.

After taking Latin for a few years I have realized how much of our actual lives envolve Latin roots or even straight-up Latin. I think Latin is nice in the way that is has been able to help me break down complex English words to be able to obtain the definition. Latin is one of the oldest languages and it has so much connected to it.

Natasha Silverlieb

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