Latin's influences in my everyday life

Jefferson Ratliff

I see many Latin influences in my everyday life

Example 1: A recent example is in my religion class with Dr.Blue there are many influences from Roman history and culture. He will often ask David, Mathew and I about the translations of words in Latin that are often used in academia as well as in the early church. The Romans were the occupying empire of Palestine during the life of Jesus and are talked about heavily in the gospels. 

Example 2: Over winter break we traveled to Colorado with my family. For just a couple of days, some of our close friends came into town to stay with us. One day conversation about world langue was stared up especially because out friends have young daughters who were being to think about which languages to take as well as my sister who I am trying to convince to take Latin over French(eww). Someone brought up how Spanish and French share many of the same words and sounds. I was able to answer this question explaining how Latin is the root langue for both French and Spanish.  

Example 3: On the plane this summer coming back home from Morrocco I watched a pretty bad movie called the “Ides of March” a political drama starring Ryan Gosling and George Clooney. In this movie, a political strangest betrays his cadet by working with the other side of the Democratic Party in the Ohio primary which was going to decide the winner of the primary. The movie’s title is an obvious reference to the date in which Julius Ceasar was betrayed by Brutus his closest ally in the senate when he was assinated. This highlights how even thousands of years later roman culture still has a lot of influence in the world.    

Example 4: Right by my house there is both a Baptist, Methodist, and Catholic church all of which have clock towers that all use roman numerals. Roman numbers also make an appearance in the current book we are reading in English “The Violent Bear it Away” to make each chapter. There have also been multiple times in which I have helped others with Roman Numeras especially the larger ones.      

Example 5:  My Latin education has helped me understand more and more about the vocabulary of scientific words. Elements on the periodic tables’ names were easier to understand last year in my chemistry class this year in Bio understanding the scientific names of many of the organelles and spices that we talk about in class. Latin influenced many of the vocabularies of western science and medicine because of it’s once universal education around most of Western Europe and the educated world. 

Latin Is important to learn because it allows you to learn so much about the root of our style of society. You can learn so much about the history of the ancient world and the legacy it left behind on civilization. Latin has impacted my education because it has broadened my grammar and vocabulary skills. I have learned so much about English through Latin and I can’t wait to learn even more.   

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